New Delhi. A criminal case has been filed against South Indian actor Allu Arjun. The case was filed against him while campaigning for his close friend and YSRCP MLA Ravi Chandra Kishore Reddy. Allu had reached Nandayal to campaign for the Lok Sabha elections.
There was a throng of people to see the actor at Ravi Chandra's residence. The crowd of fans was so large that it became difficult to maintain peace and traffic jams also occurred. Due to this, common people had to suffer a lot.
According to media reports, actors Allu Arjun and Ravi Chandra Kishore Reddy's team had not taken any permission for the election campaign. Therefore, a case has been filed against both of them under Section 188 of the IPC.
Allu Arjun was accompanied by his wife Sneha during the election campaign. It is said that a case was registered after the matter became uncontrollable due to the large crowd. Currently, no further information has been received in this regard.
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